Choose one service or many - Only what you need:
Interview Checklist & Tracking
Modular / ADU Builders
How do I choose the right Architect?
How do we define and manage team accountabilities?
Establish Team Accountabilities
Software / Platform Review
What online accounts do we need for the project?
How do we best manage all the project's digital files?
Digital File Management
3D Digital Scanning Parameter
When should we use Matterport or LiDAR scanning?
Resolve Conflicting Clauses
Can one provider contract conflict with another?
Do all the provider contract incentivizations align?
Incentivization Analysis
Ensure Scope Completeness
Do the plans and contracts cover everything they should?
Do the contract payment plans protect all of us?
Secure Payment Plan Protections
Contract Analysis:
Warranty and Guarantees
Insurance Coverage
Legal Compliance
"Weight" Distribution
What are the warranties / guarantees in their contracts?
How can I save on my attorney's contract review?
Obtain Attorney Approval
Discovery & Analysis
Do I have all the facts and their implications for my case?
How do the conclusions support my client's case strategy?
Case Reporting
Cost Facilitation
How do the remedition costs affect my client's strategy?
What's the best path forward for my client?
Strategic Assistance
Expert Data Visualization
What is the most convincing way to present my conclusions?
How can my expert's testimony best serve my client's case?
Legal Testimony
Project Recovery
When and how can my client re-start their project?
Invoice Approvals
How do I make sure I'm happy to make my payments?
Did everything get installed correctly before drywall?
Close-in Checklist
Quality Control
Does the quality of work reflect our agreements?
How do I bring the project to a swift and final close?
Close-out Checklist
Project Estimate & Scope Analysis
Do the line items adequately cover the intended scope of work?
Can we produce preliminary costing up front?
Phase 1- High Level Cost Scenarios
Phase 2- Design Options and Alternates
How do we affect the cost of the project?
How can trades competition serve all team members?
Phase 3- Competitive Bidding of Trades
Pre-Construction Sequencing
Scanning Parameters
Discovery to Reduce Change Orders
Feasibility Costing at Conceptual Design
Team Engineering to Reduce Costs
What are the most economic steps for design, costing, and permits?
Is it possible to Phase my project to manage funding?
Long-Term Phasing Opportunities
Project & Procurement Scheduling
Waterproofing Cost Options
What are all my waterproofing options?
What are the best waterproofing strategies for my investment?
Cost-Benefit Strategies
Quality Control Checklists
How do I ensure waterproofing is installed per specifications?
1 Financial Planning
Purchase or Lease Financial Planning
Does this investment match my immediate and long-term goals?
What are the challenges and opportunities for this property?
2 Investment Planning
Proposed Property Assessment
Proposed Project Assessment
Accessory Dwelling Unit Development
Modular Home Option
3 Project Planning
Commercial TI Scenario Costing
Project Funding Strategies
Which space plan is best for my business success?
Immediate Safety Solutions
How do I protect my property (and my sanity!) until we can restart?
What do the site conditions and project documents reveal?
Project Discovery
Recovery Sequencing
How do I restart my project for the least amount of money?
How do I restore a collaborative environment with my providers?
Conflict Resolution
Contract Revisions
What are the best contract provisions moving forward?
How do I make sure everything gets delivered and installed on time?
Project / Purchasing Schedule
Solutions for:
Should I consider changing the design before restart?
Preliminary Costing
Get market-sourced early estimates to guide smarter decisions.
Save costs while enhancing your design.
Structural Optimization
Permitting & Legalization
Navigate complex approval processes with ease.
Policy Exclusions Analysis
Does my policy cover everything it should?
What are my actual rebuild costs and am I covered for those?
True Rebuild Cost Calculation
Coverage Assessment & Correction
What changes do I need to make in my coverages?
How can I best prepare for the day we hope never comes?
Future-Proofing Disasters
More Profit:
Charging for Estimates
Value Engineering During Design
Increasing High-Dollar Billables
Team-Based Field Management
Sales Process Refinement
What value can I add that's entirely worth paying for?
How do we spend less on shopping?
Less Overhead (also more profit):
Procurement Process Optimization
Project Expense Tracking
Optimizing Lead Qualification
Online Sales Automation
Platform Proliferation Control
Contractual Revenue Leaks
Project Performance
Company Performance
Tracking Overhead Expenses
Accounting Software Configuration
What and how do we track for project optimization?
Let’s design smarter, build better, and create spaces that maximize your investment and bring your vision to life.